Sunday, August 27, 2006

Everything You Need to Know About Reciprocal Link Exchange
By: ezimedia

Reciprocal Link Exchange is still a very popular practice. It should be-- after all there are still many benefits to organizing a link exchange campaign.

First and foremost, a Reciprocal Link Campaign encourages webmasters to explore the various websites in their genre. It helps establish communication among web developers and creates strong online communities. This can be a valuable tool for information sharing and promoting the advancement of a specific topic, like education or technology.

Reciprocal Link Exchange is still a very valuable practice. For one, it is easier to acquire reciprocals than one-way links. This follows the philosophy of, "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." If the site you are promoting contains valuable information, it is likely other webmasters will accept a reciprocal link invitation. This is especially true if you are willing to display a link to their site in a prominent, organized directory.

Remember, credibility is key. Do not link to sites with little value, sites on unrelated topics, or link farms and FFA sites. Google will assign some value to reciprocal links that it deems relevant. Sites containing the same keywords and information will be viewed as connected sites, and will thus count towards your "votes" as a credible site.

How to Organize a Reciprocal Link Campaign

First, seek out the websites you would like to exchange links with. Try to pick sites with a higher Google PR than yours. Then, politely email the webmaster and explain why their readers will benefit from a link to your site. Show them the page that their link will be posted on. Make sure there are not too many links on the page, that they are credible, and be sure to list the links by category.

Having trouble getting a positive response? Try a few of these "tricks of the trade".

When you ask a webmaster to participate in your reciprocal campaign, enclose a pre-made html code so it's an easy cut and paste job to create the link.

If your site distributes a newsletter, start a contest for ad space. Offer to advertise a website in your publication- in addition to a free link- to the sites that offer you a reciprocal link.

You can also try posting testimonials about other sites on your homepage. When you're finished, send a link to your comments to the webmaster. Who would pass up the opportunity to brag about a great review?

Get creative! There are plenty of ways to entice people to join in your campaign. The key is to be polite and to-the-point. Let the webmasters know how THEY are going to benefit from the exchange.

Reciprocal links are less valuable than non-reciprocal in the eyes of Google and other search engines. However, relevant links do count towards your overall Google PR.

More importantly, a reciprocal linking campaign helps you connect with other webmasters in your community. You can exchange visitors and help strengthen the online presence of your website topic. Being an active member of a connected community increases your credibility, and helps you stay in touch with changing times.

Another very important strategy in your linking campaign should be the submission of your website's domain name to highly relevant link directories and the best
way to quickly submit to over 350+ link directories is by using the Link Directory Submitter.

Article Source:

Tom Dahne and Paul Martin Are the creators of the very popular Directory Submitter Software found at Submitted with Article Distributor.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Article Marketing: What Constitute Good Content For An Article?
By: Evelyn Lim

Article marketing is simply the process of writing articles, publishing your articles on article directories and syndicating your articles.

To be successful in article marketing, you need to:

1. Write high quality and keyword optimized articles.

2. Submit a series of such articles to article directories on a regular basis.

An article that has good content and that contain the keywords that readers are searching for has many page views. Imagine if each article generates a page view of 500 readers, if you have ten of such articles, you will get 5000 page views. With article syndication, you get more back links for higher ranking on search engines and can also brand yourself as an expert in your area of online business.

But what constitute good content? Here are some useful tips:

1. Your content answers a need or solves a problem that your target readers have. Specifically, your article contains keywords that readers search for. For instance, if you are targeting readers with hair loss, then “hair loss” is a keyword phrase that you can use in your article. However, a better keyword phrase is likely “hair loss remedy” as your article content can be on remedy solutions for hair loss, thus addressing the needs of your reader.

2. Your article contains useful resources. Using the same example for hair loss, you can write about where your reader can find the remedy solutions.

3. Your content contains practical tips that your readers can easily apply. A step-by-step guide on preparing a remedy right out from one’s kitchen is interesting and unusual.

4. If you are writing a discussion topic, you present alternative views and a healthy discussion on each view.

5. Your content is personalized. You write from your own experiences.

6. You have an opinion on a discussion topic and your ideas are well supported. Support can be in the form of testimonials from experts or references to scientific and proven research. It is okay to write an article based on general information but winning content are those that have supporting reasons for your opinion.

7. Your article is up-to-date with the latest information on trends. No one likes to read outdated ideas. This is especially if you are writing on an area that is fast moving like IT or even fashion.

Article Source:

Evelyn Lim is a writer and an online business entrepreneur. She also owns and manages an article directory site, with more than 100 topic categories and a growing database of quality articles. Please visit ArticleMap to submit your articles.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Internet marketer that uses email marketing needs to be aware that 79% of the people who subscribes uses a busisness email for B2B email marketing. In addition, the latest survey shows that saturday and sunday have the best open rate and saturday the best click rate.

more of this article can be found here - Who's Getting Your E-Mail Message?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Most Powerful Word In Marketing
By: Bob Serling

It isn't "free".

It isn't "you".

It isn't anything you might imagine.

So what the heck is the most powerful word in marketing?

Because what I'm about to reveal to you is so important, I want to ask you to do something a bit out of the ordinary to set the stage. Whether you're sitting or
standing, lift your right foot off the ground about two inches and hold it there for a count of three.

Did you do this? If not, I really want you to take a few seconds to do it now, because it will hammer home the importance of what I'm about to tell you.

So go ahead. Lift your foot up about two inches, then hold it for a count of 1-2-3.

The power of a single word to drive people to action

If you went ahead and did my little exercise, you've just experienced the profound effect of the most powerful word in marketing.

So now do you know what that word is?

It's embedded in both the requests I made of you to lift your foot and do my goofy little exercise. That word is - drum roll please...


Studies have proven that no word has more power to motivate people to take action than "because". Simply adding this word to a request, to a statement, to a call to action, the number of people who respond go up exponentially.

Hey, it got you to lift your foot up for a three count, didn't it?

Why the word "because" is so effective

In the classic book "Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion", Dr. Robert Cialdini talks about the power of certain words that tap into preprogrammed behaviors we all have. He demonstrates this form of human automatic action in a study conducted by Ellen Langer,
a Harvard social psychologist.

Langer asked a favor of people standing in line waiting to make copies on a Xerox machine at a library. Her first request to cut the line was stated using the word, "because":

“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine
because I'm in a rush.”

The results? 94% of the people she asked let her jump ahead of them!

Now, compare this to the second request she made, without "because" embedded in it:

"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?"

Using this version of the request, results plummeted to just 60%.

To prove the powerful ability of the word "because" to trigger an automatic response, Langer's final test used just the word without a specific reason:

"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine
because I have to make some copies?"

This almost non-sensical version produced nearly identical results to the first "because" statement. A whopping 93% of people complied and let Langer jump ahead of them.

"Because" is a simple word with a powerful ability to trigger an automatic response in most people.

How to start using "because" to your advantage

There are dozens of ways to start taking advantage of this powerful trigger word in your copy. Here are just two examples.

(1) Use "because" in your headline.

Because your life may depend on it, you owe it
to yourself to find out how a common garden herb
can reduce your chance of heart attack by 47%

(2) Use "because" in a call to take action.

Instead of, "Hurry, seating is limited to just 60 people. Don't risk missing out. Enroll in this all-day event now".

Use, "Because seating is limited to just 60 people, don't risk missing out. Enroll in this all-day event now".

But don't just stop there. Because this knowledge can be so effective for improving the selling power of all your copy, spend some time brainstorming other ways you can put it to use today!

Article Source:

Bob Serling has been helping businesses – large and small – market their products and services more effectively for over 25 years. You can start sampling Bob’s unique take on marketing by subscribing to his FREE ezine, Direct Marketing Insider, at

Sunday, August 06, 2006

How To Get Massive Free Advertising With Ezines
By: Carina MacInnes

For the netrepreneur seeking targeted free and low-cost advertising, ezines are an excellent resource. Using the following strategies you can get hundreds of dollars worth of ezine advertising on an ongoing basis, absolutely for free. You can also use these resources to structure an advertising campaign to fit your budget.

Before you get started, make sure you set up a special email address just for your ezine subscriptions - this will be very important to help you stay organized. Be careful about using a web-based email account, if you go out of town or miss a few days, there’s a chance it might fill up too quickly. If your emails start bouncing, your ads will not run. If you do not have access to a separate email alias from your current ISP and need to set up a free web-based account, it’s best to use one with a large amount of storage space, such as:

To get started with your free ezine advertising campaign, first visit:

This is a free service you can use once every three months to get your classified out to over one million subscribers.

Submitting your classified to the service above is just the beginning of your new free advertising strategy. When you use this service, you will be automatically subscribed to many excellent ezines. A number of them offer free weekly classifieds to subscribers, so your next step is to read through the ezines, looking for the directions provided as to how and where to submit your next free classified.

If you’re the organized type, here’s where you might start making note of which ezines offer ongoing free ads, and tracking your ad submissions. After your ad is published, you can record it’s publication date also.

Each ezine will have different specifications for the size of your classified. You will need to format your ad to a certain amount of characters per line, and a certain amount of lines. It will help if you set up a text file with multiple versions of your ad formatted to the varying guidelines. There are several great resources you can use you can use to make sure each line is a certain amount of characters. You can use this online text editor, simply enter your ad copy and specify the number of characters per line:

Or you can download this free software (NoteTab Light) and format the characters per line on your computer:

Next, you can find more ezines which offer free ads, some only for new subscribers, others on a regular basis.

The links below contain ezines which offer free advertising:

You can also search through various ezine directories to find more ezines to subscribe to, such as:

Now that you're subscribed to a wide variety of ezines and have your ongoing free classified ads, you have another great opportunity to get even more high quality free advertising, such as free banner ads, top and bottom sponsor ads, solos, and more. As you take the time each day to go through your subscription inbox, you will find tons of contests you can enter to win advertising.

If you take the time to diligently enter every contest, you may find yourself winning high quality free advertising once or twice a week!

Another great benefit of being subscribed to multiple ezines and actively reading them is that you will sometimes find the publishers sending specials and discounted advertising rates straight to your inbox that you would not have access to if you had just ordered an ad without subscribing.

You can track the results of all of your ads to test different ad copy and see what is pulling the most, and which of your ezines are performing the best. This will give you a real headstart when you want to order some paid advertising.

Subscribing to many ezines is an excellent business strategy for gaining ongoing free advertising, winning additional free advertising, testing your ad copy, discovering which ezine subscribers are most receptive to your offer, and accessing valuable discounted advertising rates. So subscribe, and invest a few minutes to go through your inbox daily. Your attention will pay off. The time you spend will be a worthy investment.

Article Source:

Stop struggling - get a massive flow of never ending ultra-targeted search engine traffic effortlessly. Try this guaranteed, revolutionary pay on results marketing service if you want to make an extra $100,000 in the next four months - from whatever website you are promoting:

Saturday, August 05, 2006

"The combination of e-mail and word-of-mouth affords marketers a potentially vast, and very powerful, new marketing tool."-quoted from

Email marketing will be a powerful marketing tool in years to come. No internet marketer should overlook this marketing tool. With the combination of word-of-mouth, its lethal.

Read more about email marketing and word-of mouth here: - E-Mail Plus Word-of-Mouth: A Marketing Revolution